More Tools to Help You Tweet About Your Business

There are all kinds of tools and apps that people using Twitter for business can use to help them get the word out a bit more efficiently.  After all, loading a tweet a couple of times a day can be very time consuming.


One very interesting application is called TweetEffect. It allows you to analyze your tweets to see which remarks may have made you lose or gain followers. This is valuable for helping you refine the messages that you send to customers.


Tweetscan is another great application that sends you an email alert whenever keywords are mentioned in a Twitter application. You can turn it off at any time.  This is very useful for keeping abreast of what your competition is doing and helping you price out the value of any keywords that you might be using.


Tweetsats shows you everything you need to know about your Twitter app from month to month using pie charts and bar graphs. On it you can see the total tweets you got each day, the total tweets each hour, the top ten people you commented on and the Tweet Cloud, which allows you to see how many popular words you used on your own Tweets.


Tweetvolume is an search tool that allows you to see how frequently a keyword, person, or product is referred to in your Tweets. This is useful for seeing if you are actually be too repetitive or boring.  You can lose customers if you are boring!


Wondering where your customers might be coming from? This is an analysis and statistics application that provides facts about any user.  It can tell you your popularity, how many times you retweet, how often you update and how many people from different cities are tuning into your tweets.


This means that if you have a lobster restaurant in a major city you can track how many people from a certain suburb or neighborhood are travelling across town to eat in your restaurant; it helps you make offers that are specific to them.

To use it you just enter your Twitter username and click “Twitalyze.”


It is easy to get your customers to advertise for you. Use Twit This to allow visitors to your website or blog to immediately tweet about anything they like.


Worried about losing your Twitter list?  Twitter Safe is a simple little back up program that allows you to restore your list immediately if it is every lost for some reason.


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