If you are considering opening a daycare business realize that there are some very specialized strategies that might come into play before it can be successful. A lot of these strategies should also be well detailed in y our business plan as they tell the banks, investors and governing bodies that you are intending on being a safety-conscious responsible day care provider.
A daycare needs to demonstrate that it is in a safe and people friendly location before anyone will fund it. Ideal locations are one where the zoning is favorable (i.e. you are not running it in the red light district of town.) Large vacant ground floor spaces like empty grocery stores are good ideas.
It is also a good idea to locate near schools, suburban communities where children are raised and also near large parks with playgrounds or pools (especially if you do not have these facilities on y our own day-care property.)
Choose a space try where parents can drive up right to the front door so they can pick up and drop off a child with the most privacy and efficiency possible. The ideal set-up is a front door fronted by a semi-circular driveway. It is also ideal if you can find a place with a great playground.
One real selling point of any daycare is the quality of the meals that you offer. The more organic or progressive the food is that you offer the more you will be able to charge parents. As a rule of thumb children’s meals usually adds between $8 and $25 per week to their bill.
Some states require that you offer children morning and mid-afternoon snacks. Usually fresh rut, cookies and juice are served. Keep in mind too that you will also need dishes and a dishwasher.
One financing option that not too many other businesses have but that day cares really do have is to approach a church, labor organization or community organization for funding. This might not only solve a lot of space or rent problems for you but sometimes these organizations will actually finance the entire enterprise simply because good daycares are so badly needed.
The most profitable day care centers are the ones that work closely with the communities including the local schools, civic clubs, police department, fireman and the Chamber of Commerce. All of these entities are sources of chartable funding, learning and entertainment for the children.